Garden Writers Today

Writing about one’s life passion such as gardening and horticulture is a tool that I will forever have in my tool kit. When I get the opportunity to interact with other writers who share that passion and readers who embrace our enthusiasm it feeds that well and creates more openings for the flow and exchange of ideas to spring forth.

That is what I love about the new Garden Writers Today website. The lovely team at GWT has invited me to join in on the fun and participate in a special event highlighting their special brand of supporting garden writers and their zeal for the medium we all love. Laura Livengood Schaub, Jean Ann Van Krevelan and Katie Elzer-Peters of GWT asked me to post what I would like to see in the new web page and what they could do for me.

Here are my thoughts:

–          Introductions: Getting the community more connected and linked would be great. By having a resource where people who might not otherwise meet can be introduced in a comfortable and informal setting. Having a “facilitator” make that introduction seems like a little more fun and personal way of meeting.

–          Future Thinking: What do we think will be the latest and greatest in 2 years? 5 years? 10 years? We have futurists in the Technology field; let’s get more discussion happening in the writing, gardening, and horticulture field.

–          Photo Resources: That one is self-explanatory, but we can all use more resources for that one!

Here’s a link to the brand new Garden Writers Today blog page as well as the wonderful GWT Facebook page. I would love to hear your thoughts too, so please leave me a comment!

Diamonds Are Good, But…

The containers I bring into my landscape are like a fine setting for whatever great jewels I have planned to set in them. The setting for a diamond, a pearl, or any precious stone is not only a support structure, but a feature of the design itself. Liken it if you will to the quintessential “Little Black Dress” of your wardrobe, without the fabulous shoes to go with it.

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Weeping Cedar centerpiece

When I am with a Personal Garden Coaching client and I am advising the use of a container anywhere, I am emphatic that the container they choose MUST be a style that they REALLY love. Because even when they are empty, a good-looking container can still be a statement piece of its own when placed well. An investment in your garden, long-term, a container will be with you like a great piece of furniture.

A well styled container can be as much a part of the overall design as anything else. It will be a supportive companion to a specimen plant. It can highlight a shape or textural difference. It can also be a vehicle for seasonal changes that brings interest to a bare area in winter.

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'Inaba Shidare' Japanese Maple

Winter in particular brings a huge opportunity to review your containers. Most places will have them on clearance and it gives you an opportunity to save money on making a style statement in your landscape.

Winter Front Container Combo 11-12-09 010

Pinus Strobus 'Pendula', Heuchera 'Caramel', Euphorbia 'Glacier Blue', Festival Grass

Though I am a girl who loves her jewels, I have to say, the setting says MUCH more about who I am and what I like.