Snippets of Foliage and Winter Garden Art

Making good use of January indoor time is important to me as a gardener. I like the creative momentum that builds up after the fall garden clean up is over, the holiday distractions are finished and I’m really ready to get going on something nature oriented. Ogling the seed catalogs and various juicy pictorial based websites are the creative outlets I rely when digging or designing are not a palatable option. But, it’s still not actively DOING something, or CREATING and THAT is what energizes me.

So, I went out into the garden and took little snippets and bits of plants that were looking lovely and decided to have fun with them. I played Portrait Studio! I did this once a few years back when I entered the Gardening Gone Wild Photo Contest and learned an invaluable little photo trick from David Perry, one of my photography idols.

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I had loads of fun creating these foliage based shots (no blooms here just yet). I hope YOU enjoy them too! ๐Ÿ™‚

January 2013 Foliage and Bloom 103.CR2

January 2013 Foliage and Bloom 124.CR2

January 2013 Foliage and Bloom 136.CR2

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January 2013 Foliage and Bloom 139.CR2

January 2013 Foliage and Bloom 204

January 2013 Foliage and Bloom 112.CR2

This was a sampling of one style of the artwork I created over the weekend, I’m saving the rest for later. Now, to figure out whatย  else is going to keep me busy for a while…. Oh ya, I have a book coming out soon!!! ๐Ÿ™‚